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Cwn Annwn

PK history: Sleth

Sleth (19:79) (#69236)
First Seen: 2003-02-21 05:34 am
We've never actually seen this player online. We don't know their race, class, or even their favourite colour. They exist only as a relic of a long gone past, and perhaps a PK history.
PK rating 1032 (peak: 1041)

PK statistics

24. Feb3. Mar10. Mar17. Mar24. Mar31. Mar7. Apr14. Apr21. Apr9901,0001,0101,0201,0301,0401,050Rating
Wins Losses Average level
Total Percent Total Percent Win Loss
CPK 0 0% 1 100% N/A 235 (+156.0)
LPK 1 100% 0 0% 88 (+40.0) N/A
LPKA 4 29% 10 71% 49 (+3.2) 63 (+14.8)
NPK 2 40% 3 60% 60 (+0.0) 170 (+106.7)
PK None

Recent PK activity

Page 1 of 1 1
Time Winner Loser PK type
2003-05-19 07:03 am Weeble (55:235) 1284 +0 Sleth (19:79) 1032 +0 CPK
2003-05-19 06:24 am Weeble (55:235) 1284 +0 Sleth (19:79) 1032 +0 NPK
2003-04-21 05:31 am Xane (60:60) 1429 +2.2 Sleth (60:60) 1034 -2.2 NPK
2003-04-21 04:03 am Sleth (60:60) 1023 +10.3 Twiggles (60:60) 974 -10.3 NPK
2003-04-21 03:49 am Sleth (60:60) 1012 +11.1 Twiggles (60:60) 985 -11.1 NPK
2003-04-20 01:15 am Noodles (36:96) 944 +0 Sleth (60:60) 1012 +0 LPKA
2003-04-19 05:35 am Xane (60:60) 1406 +2.3 Sleth (60:60) 1015 -2.3 LPKA
2003-04-18 12:10 pm Naxium (60:60) 1023 +12.1 Sleth (60:60) 1027 -12.1 LPKA
2003-04-15 07:42 am Umaonidd (60:60) 1030 +12.3 Sleth (54:54) 1039 -12.3 LPKA
2003-04-15 01:47 am Extemper (60:60) 1461 +2.0 Sleth (53:53) 1041 -2.0 LPKA
2003-03-28 10:02 pm Zorro (35:215) 973 +0 Sleth (51:51) 1041 +0 NPK
2003-02-23 10:43 am Sleth (48:48) 1041 +0 Myouneko (28:88) 890 +0 LPK
2003-02-22 12:02 pm Sleth (46:46) 1031 +9.8 Dagdha (51:51) 966 -9.8 LPKA
2003-02-22 11:37 am Sleth (46:46) 1021 +10.5 Dagdha (51:51) 977 -10.5 LPKA
2003-02-22 11:28 am Sleth (46:46) 1009 +11.6 Sean (46:46) 997 -11.6 LPKA
2003-02-22 06:59 am Sleth (45:45) 998 +11.0 Alonfar (48:48) 968 -11.0 LPKA
2003-02-22 04:40 am Extemper (60:60) 1577 +0.8 Sleth (44:44) 999 -0.8 LPKA
2003-02-21 08:14 am Extemper (60:60) 1566 +0.9 Sleth (40:40) 1000 -0.9 LPKA
2003-02-21 05:43 am Extemper (60:60) 1565 +0 Sleth (39:39) 1000 +0 LPKA
2003-02-21 05:38 am Extemper (60:60) 1565 +0 Sleth (39:39) 1000 +0 LPKA
2003-02-21 05:34 am Extemper (60:60) 1565 +0 Sleth (39:39) 1000 +0 LPKA

Most PK

Wins Losses
Twiggles (2)
Dagdha (2)
Sean (1)
Myouneko (1)
Alonfar (1)
Extemper (6)
Xane (2)
Weeble (2)
Zorro (1)
Umaonidd (1)
Noodles (1)
Naxium (1)