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Cwn Annwn

PK history: Maethorin

Maethorin (60:60) (#70811)
First Seen: 2003-11-28 10:06 pm
We've never actually seen this player online. We don't know their race, class, or even their favourite colour. They exist only as a relic of a long gone past, and perhaps a PK history.
PK rating 995 (peak: 1026)

PK statistics

Wins Losses Average level
Total Percent Total Percent Win Loss
CPK None
LPK None
LPKA 10 50% 10 50% 52 (-0.8) 67 (+15.8)
NPK None
PK None

Recent PK activity

Page 1 of 1 1
Time Winner Loser PK type
2003-12-06 01:41 am Feek (60:60) 989 +12.7 Maethorin (60:60) 1008 -12.7 LPKA
2003-12-06 12:57 am Maethorin (60:60) 994 +14.1 Izayoi (60:60) 1055 -14.1 LPKA
2003-12-04 08:06 pm Bevier (60:60) 982 +12.8 Maethorin (53:53) 1006 -12.8 LPKA
2003-12-04 07:28 pm Krynn (58:58) 1000 +12.7 Maethorin (53:53) 1019 -12.7 LPKA
2003-12-04 07:21 pm Maethorin (53:53) 1007 +12.0 Bevier (60:60) 1006 -12.0 LPKA
2003-12-04 07:12 pm Bevier (60:60) 994 +12.9 Maethorin (53:53) 1020 -12.9 LPKA
2003-12-04 06:56 pm Bonegrinder (60:180) 1004 +0 Maethorin (53:53) 1020 +0 LPKA
2003-12-04 09:33 am Maethorin (53:53) 1010 +10.3 Mayla (56:56) 959 -10.3 LPKA
2003-12-04 09:12 am Naiser (51:51) 1277 +4.3 Maethorin (53:53) 1014 -4.3 LPKA
2003-12-04 09:01 am Maethorin (53:53) 1003 +10.9 Mayla (55:55) 970 -10.9 LPKA
2003-12-03 08:30 pm Yuriko (58:58) 1048 +10.8 Maethorin (52:52) 1014 -10.8 LPKA
2003-12-03 08:19 pm Yuriko (58:58) 1045 +11.3 Maethorin (52:52) 1025 -11.3 LPKA
2003-12-03 08:11 pm Maethorin (52:52) 1014 +11.1 Mash (42:42) 989 -11.1 LPKA
2003-12-03 08:06 pm Yuriko (58:58) 1033 +11.8 Maethorin (52:52) 1026 -11.8 LPKA
2003-12-03 08:02 pm Maethorin (52:52) 1015 +11.5 Mash (42:42) 1000 -11.5 LPKA
2003-12-03 07:55 pm Maethorin (52:52) 1009 +6.1 Remus (52:52) 821 -6.1 LPKA
2003-12-03 07:52 pm Maethorin (52:52) 1002 +6.4 Remus (52:52) 828 -6.4 LPKA
2003-12-03 07:43 pm Maethorin (52:52) 995 +6.8 Remus (52:52) 835 -6.8 LPKA
2003-12-03 07:39 pm Maethorin (52:52) 988 +7.2 Remus (52:52) 842 -7.2 LPKA
2003-11-28 10:06 pm Vilas (32:32) 1001 +12.0 Maethorin (36:36) 1000 -12.0 LPKA

Most PK

Wins Losses
Remus (4)
Mayla (2)
Mash (2)
Izayoi (1)
Bevier (1)
Yuriko (3)
Bevier (2)
Vilas (1)
Naiser (1)
Krynn (1)
Feek (1)
Bonegrinder (1)