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Cwn Annwn

Player: Neonextel

Neonextel (60:60) (#72372)
First Seen: 2004-08-30 09:30 pm
We've never actually seen this player online. We don't know their race, class, or even their favourite colour. They exist only as a relic of a long gone past, and perhaps a PK history.
PK rating 1168 (peak: 1179)

Clan activity

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Time Winner Loser PK type
2004-12-22 07:11 am Neonextel (60:60) 1162 +6.1 Zeht (60:60) 975 -6.1 LPKA
2004-09-12 06:06 pm Inuyashi (60:60) 1029 +16.9 Neonextel (60:60) 1179 -16.9 LPKA
2004-09-12 06:01 pm Neonextel (60:60) 1174 +5.5 Olinwan (60:60) 962 -5.5 LPKA
2004-09-12 05:52 pm Neonextel (60:60) 1168 +5.8 Olinwan (60:60) 968 -5.8 LPKA
2004-09-10 11:43 pm Neonextel (60:60) 1159 +8.9 Salmac (60:60) 1066 -8.9 LPKA
2004-09-03 02:57 am Neonextel (60:60) 1152 +7.1 Rhombur (60:60) 1000 -7.1 LPKA
2004-09-01 06:38 pm Viros (60:60) 1214 +10.2 Neonextel (60:60) 1162 -10.2 LPKA
2004-09-01 09:10 am Neonextel (60:60) 1149 +13.4 Mischka (60:60) 1188 -13.4 LPKA
2004-09-01 08:14 am Neonextel (60:60) 1142 +6.2 Galarion (60:60) 961 -6.2 LPKA
2004-09-01 02:53 am Pheer (60:60) 1205 +10.2 Neonextel (60:60) 1153 -10.2 LPKA