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Player: Aruma

Aruma (46:106) (#67697)
First Seen: 2002-05-02 02:42 pm
We've never actually seen this player online. We don't know their race, class, or even their favourite colour. They exist only as a relic of a long gone past, and perhaps a PK history.
PK rating 944 (peak: 1037)

Clan activity

Time Event
2003-08-10 02:31 am Aruma has joined clan Black Tower [29].
2003-02-28 01:36 am Aruma has been removed from clan The Chosen [102].
2003-02-26 07:29 pm Aruma has joined clan The Chosen [102].
2002-11-14 03:40 am Aruma has been removed from clan Power of Entropy [36].
2002-06-21 03:28 am Aruma has joined clan Power of Entropy [36].

Class activity

Time Class
2002-06-17 08:37 am Aruma is now a Shaman.

Recent login activity [more information]

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Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2003-01-31 07:51 pm Ich (42:102) 994 +10.6 Aruma (46:106) 954 -10.6 LPKA
2003-01-31 07:43 pm Ich (42:102) 983 +11.4 Aruma (46:106) 966 -11.4 LPKA
2002-07-30 05:31 pm Suli (41:101) 926 +13.8 Aruma (46:106) 980 -13.8 LPKA
2002-07-18 04:24 pm Tisaln (38:98) 1000 +11.7 Aruma (40:100) 991 -11.7 LPKA
2002-06-28 07:56 pm Aruma (39:99) 974 +17.0 Luke (39:99) 1128 -17.0 NPK
2002-06-28 06:51 pm Luke (38:98) 1088 +8.5 Aruma (38:98) 983 -8.5 NPK
2002-06-28 06:46 pm Luke (38:98) 1079 +9.1 Aruma (38:98) 992 -9.1 NPK
2002-06-28 06:14 pm Kimahri (58:178) 1048 +0 Aruma (38:98) 992 +0 NPK
2002-06-28 06:00 pm Bloodraven (61:241) 906 +0 Aruma (38:98) 992 +0 NPK
2002-06-28 05:53 pm Aruma (38:98) 976 +16.0 Luke (38:98) 1095 -16.0 NPK