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Cwn Annwn

PK history: Ganindorf

Ganindorf (48:48) (#68329)
First Seen: 2002-08-08 02:19 am
We've never actually seen this player online. We don't know their race, class, or even their favourite colour. They exist only as a relic of a long gone past, and perhaps a PK history.
PK rating 1066 (peak: 1080)

PK statistics

Wins Losses Average level
Total Percent Total Percent Win Loss
CPK None
LPK None
LPKA 7 88% 1 12% 45 (-1.9) 60 (+12.0)
NPK None
PK None

Recent PK activity

Page 1 of 1 1
Time Winner Loser PK type
2002-08-09 04:13 am Woolon (60:60) 1016 +14.2 Ganindorf (48:48) 1080 -14.2 LPKA
2002-08-09 03:39 am Ganindorf (48:48) 1071 +8.9 Snype (48:48) 979 -8.9 LPKA
2002-08-09 03:34 am Ganindorf (48:48) 1060 +11.1 Zoid (43:43) 1034 -11.1 LPKA
2002-08-08 09:21 pm Ganindorf (48:48) 1050 +9.9 Snype (47:47) 989 -9.9 LPKA
2002-08-08 09:11 pm Ganindorf (48:48) 1035 +15.0 Archmagus (60:60) 1124 -15.0 LPKA
2002-08-08 08:45 pm Ganindorf (48:48) 1024 +11.2 Snype (47:47) 1000 -11.2 LPKA
2002-08-08 02:25 am Ganindorf (47:47) 1012 +11.6 Fraggy (38:38) 1000 -11.6 LPKA
2002-08-08 02:19 am Ganindorf (47:47) 1000 +12.4 Fraggy (38:38) 1012 -12.4 LPKA

Most PK

Wins Losses
Snype (3)
Fraggy (2)
Zoid (1)
Archmagus (1)
Woolon (1)