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Cwn Annwn

PK history: Indora

Indora (60:120) (#30075)
Race: ogre
Gender: male
Classes: Barbarian, Rogue [skills]
Clan: Circle of Power
First Seen: 2007-02-18 01:45 am
Last Login: 2022-01-09 08:02 am
Time played this month: 1 day 22 hours
PK rating 1010 (peak: 1010)

PK statistics

Wins Losses Average level
Total Percent Total Percent Win Loss
CPK None
LPK None
LPKA 1 100% 0 0% 107 (-13.0) N/A
NPK 0 0% 6 100% N/A 231 (+129.8)
PK None

Recent PK activity

Page 1 of 1 1
Time Winner Loser PK type
2014-09-29 08:01 pm Lasse (135:241) 1295 +0 Indora (60:120) 1010 +0 NPK (1 vs 1)
2014-02-09 05:44 am Morlack (63:241) 1219 +0 Indora (60:120) 1010 +0 NPK (1 vs 4)
2011-12-08 06:19 am Indora (60:120) 1000 +10.5 Porbag (47:107) 956 -10.5 LPKA
2011-02-26 06:21 am Divarigo (43:223) 1189 +0 Indora (47:107) 1000 +0 NPK
2011-02-24 12:25 pm Erithiaen (90:241) 961 +0 Indora (45:105) 1000 +0 NPK
2011-02-21 01:07 am Divarigo (41:221) 1189 +0 Indora (35:95) 1000 +0 NPK
2011-02-14 05:10 am Divarigo (39:219) 1209 +0 Indora (60:60) 1000 +0 NPK

Most PK

Wins Losses
Porbag (1)
Divarigo (3)
Morlack (1)
Lasse (1)
Erithiaen (1)