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Cwn Annwn

Player: Pellinore

Pellinore (60:60) (#23125)
Race: sidhe
Gender: female
Classes: Valkyrie [skills]
First Seen: 2005-05-26 12:10 am
Last Login: 2007-06-24 04:40 pm
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 1043 (peak: 1054)

Clan activity

Time Event
2007-01-14 07:35 am Pellinore has been removed from clan Pandemonium [131].
2006-11-10 04:06 pm Pellinore has joined clan Pandemonium [131].
2005-07-26 12:54 am Pellinore has been removed from clan The Ministry [127].
2005-07-17 09:03 pm Pellinore has joined clan The Ministry [127].
2005-07-05 05:01 am Pellinore has been removed from clan The Ministry [127].
2005-05-26 12:10 am Pellinore has joined clan The Ministry [127].

Class activity

Time Class
2005-05-28 10:19 pm Pellinore is now a Ranger.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2007-06-24 04:40 pm 2007-06-24 04:50 pm 10 min
2007-06-08 11:25 am 2007-06-08 11:05 pm 11 hours 40 min
2007-06-08 08:25 am 2007-06-08 11:20 am 2 hours 55 min
2007-05-06 04:45 pm 2007-05-06 04:50 pm 5 min
2007-05-06 12:25 am 2007-05-06 12:40 am 15 min

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2006-11-09 04:57 pm Warchild (60:60) 1096 +10.5 Pellinore (60:60) 1054 -10.5 LPKA
2006-11-08 10:36 pm Pellinore (60:60) 1044 +10.2 Axefist (60:60) 991 -10.2 LPKA
2006-11-07 06:50 pm Damone (60:60) 1448 +2.2 Pellinore (60:60) 1046 -2.2 LPKA
2006-11-06 05:16 am Pellinore (60:60) 1039 +6.7 Deathangel (60:60) 873 -6.7 LPKA
2006-11-06 05:12 am Pellinore (60:60) 1032 +7.0 Deathangel (60:60) 880 -7.0 LPKA
2006-11-05 06:19 am Pellinore (60:60) 1022 +9.6 Phawnn (60:60) 953 -9.6 LPKA
2006-11-05 06:15 am Pellinore (60:60) 1011 +11.6 Sensui (60:60) 1000 -11.6 LPKA
2006-11-05 06:04 am Pellinore (60:60) 1000 +10.7 Phawnn (60:60) 963 -10.7 LPKA