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Cwn Annwn

Player: Xan

Xan (60:240) (#67376)
First Seen: 2002-03-24 11:45 am
We've never actually seen this player online. We don't know their race, class, or even their favourite colour. They exist only as a relic of a long gone past, and perhaps a PK history.
PK rating 1157 (peak: 1183)

Clan activity

Time Event
2003-10-02 12:08 am Xan has been removed from clan Power of Entropy [36].
2003-07-20 07:15 pm Xan has joined clan Power of Entropy [36].
2003-05-25 06:15 pm Xan has been removed from clan Eternal Darkness [103].
2003-05-11 05:55 pm Xan has joined clan Eternal Darkness [103].
2003-05-11 05:18 pm Xan has been removed from clan Mirage [58].
2003-01-05 06:42 pm Xan has joined clan Mirage [58].
2003-01-03 09:41 pm Xan has left clan The Cwn Annwn [92].
2002-06-13 09:37 am Xan has joined clan The Cwn Annwn [92].
2002-06-10 07:13 pm Xan has left clan The Cwn Annwn [92].

Class activity

Time Class
2002-12-25 10:42 pm Xan is now a Druid.
2002-05-21 01:38 pm Xan is now a Monk.

Recent login activity [more information]

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Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2004-01-05 08:23 pm Baily (60:240) 1291 +7.8 Xan (60:240) 1165 -7.8 LPKA
2004-01-05 08:13 pm Baily (60:240) 1282 +8.3 Xan (60:240) 1173 -8.3 LPKA
2004-01-05 08:05 pm Xan (60:240) 1156 +16.7 Baily (60:240) 1299 -16.7 LPKA
2003-12-31 08:22 pm Extemper (55:235) 1338 +6.4 Xan (60:240) 1163 -6.4 LPKA
2003-12-31 03:14 pm Kenjara (60:240) 982 +18.2 Xan (60:240) 1181 -18.2 LPKA
2003-12-31 03:03 pm Xan (60:240) 1169 +12.1 Krystyne (60:240) 1172 -12.1 LPKA
2003-12-31 02:49 pm Xan (60:240) 1156 +13.0 Krystyne (60:240) 1185 -13.0 LPKA
2003-12-31 02:39 pm Xan (60:240) 1142 +14.0 Krystyne (60:240) 1199 -14.0 LPKA
2003-12-30 11:19 am Matthia (77:241) 1014 +0 Xan (60:240) 1142 +0 LPKA
2003-12-26 08:42 pm Alikaatian (60:240) 1173 +11.3 Xan (60:240) 1153 -11.3 NPK