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Questmaster: Lord Vendredi [Sigil]
This quest is called 'Prepare The Troops', for Adventurers levels 225 to 241.
Description of Prepare The Troops:
Through the years, the King of Vospire has always been a loyal friend of
mine. Recently, I've heard rumors of a possible threat so I need you to go
out and gather some equipment for him. The King and I are both counting on
you to perservere; and we expect you to use whatever means are necessary to
return with the equipment Return to me when you have completed this mission,
you haven't much time so GO NOW!!
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive up
to 60 quest points, 7 practice points, 20000 experience points, and 12000 gold pieces.
You have 220 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Prepare The Troops consists of:
Phase 1: Locate and deliver the Dragon Lord armor to The King of Vospire.
armor from snakos kind is in vospire! — Geeze
Phase 2: Locate and deliver an obsidian gargoyle's sword to The King of Vospire.
sword is from gargolye in diocletion — Geeze
Phase 3: Locate and deliver a bracelet of eyes to The King of Vospire.
from a demoness in maldra keep! — Geeze
Phase 4: Locate and deliver an iron irgaak to The King of Vospire.
sword is on cloud giants in avarice north of rune forest! — Geeze
Phase 5: Locate and deliver a vesuvius dagger to The King of Vospire.
No hint for this phase yet.