Lady Undya [
The Towne of Xaventry]
This quest is called 'Party Preparations', for Adventurers levels
70 to
Description of Party Preparations:
Greetings, adventurer. I have recently become concerned that the tourist
trade has slacked off a bit here in Xaventry. I have invited some of my
dearest friends and advisors, as well as lords of nearby towns to a dinner
party to discuss changes. What I need from you, is some help with the party
favors. I need something from each religious group in Xaventry for my
guests to take home and display to renew interest in our lovely home. Speak
to one of my advisors for ideas about these party favors, and deliver to him
the items agreed upon. If this task is completed in time for the party, you
will be rewarded well.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive up
40 quest points,
4 practice points,
10000 experience points, and
9000 gold pieces.
You have
170 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Party Preparations consists of:
Phase 3: Locate and deliver
a tunic of a gath follower to
A court advisor.
monk of dira —
No, just as it would seem, the tunic's found on a Gath follower, one of the two stationary ones one north of the friar and one south of NPK. —