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Cwn Annwn

Room: Gateway Portal

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This room is within Dungeon Wroth.

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Center map on Gateway Portal

 Gateway Portal                                         -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

The Gateway Portal is an oval-shaped device with a mirror-like surface in
the center.  The frame is studded with jewels and precious metals and glows
with magical power.  At the base of the portal are rows of orcish runes
telling how to operate the portal.  The Orc High Priest chants the different
runes with the ease of a seasoned spellcaster.  After each is spoken the
surface reacts in a different way to the different phrases as the portal
lights up with energy and pulses of energy run between the gems.  Several
creatures pass through the surface and disappear; the energy is still
pulsating from the last use.  
     A strange portal is floating in space here.
The High Priest is here chanting runes and activating the Gateway Portal.