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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Humble Home of a Vandyne Follower

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This room is within The Towne of Xaventry.

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 The Humble Home of a Vandyne Follower                  -      -      - 
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This house, although less than decently built, has been neatly organized
and kept amazingly clean.  You look around for some sign of whose house this
would be, and find out by a small holy room in the back that a follower of
Vandyne lives here.  All of Vandyne's most loyal followers live in this part
of Xaventry, each in perfect union with the beauty of nature in this area.  
Jazjaunaly, a follower of Vandyne, is leaning against the wall here.
Jazjaunaly, a follower of Vandyne, is leaning against the wall here.