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Cwn Annwn

Room: Apuleius Terrace

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This room is within The Towne of Xaventry.

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Center map on Apuleius Terrace

 Apuleius Terrace                                       -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> #
                                                        -      S      -

This is the breathtaking Apuleius Terrace, full of wild flowers and tall
blossoming trees.  It is said that the color of this road never fades
despite the season and that a druid long ago blessed this walkway with a
spell that keeps its plants and trees forever in spring.  There are several
log cabins along the Terrace where Ithrilis followers live.  
A warrior of Ithrilis wanders the streets insuring the safety of the towne.
A warrior of Ithrilis wanders the streets insuring the safety of the towne.