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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Shady Dirt Path

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Center map on A Shady Dirt Path

 A Shady Dirt Path                                      -      -     NE 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

This dirt trail is a few feet wide, inexplicably composed of firm, packed
brown dirt.  Aside from a few weeds growing off to the south side, nothing
grows in the path.  No footsteps, hoof imprints or anything else is visible
in the soil, yet the dirt is finely-granulated, similar to the texture of
the highly-trafficked dirt roads of Auryn.  The trail runs northeast and
south, through the saplings and forest's tall pines.  
  You can see the faint red outline of something moving around the area.