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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Lava Flue

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This room is within Hellbent Mountain.

Center map on A Lava Flue

 A Lava Flue                                            -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      -      -

You are walking through a circular tunnel leading into the depths of the
mountain.  There is a large, funnel-shaped pit in the ground here, and much
to your surprise you notice that its sides are covered with vines.  You
consider the lack of plant life elsewhere in the caves and wonder how these
vines managed to grow.  However, since they should allow you to climb down
safely, you are glad that they do exist.  
A thorny, red-veined vine twines its way around your feet.


LPK rooms