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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Dark Hallway

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This room is within Frost Giant's Keep.

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 A Dark Hallway                                         -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

The hallway is ominously dark and cold.  Peering through the gloomy
darkness you see that the walls and floors of the hallway are devoid of any
decoration or distinctive markings.  You sure hope you don't get lost
wandering these hallways.  The sound of your rapid heartbeat and cautious
footsteps mingle with the sounds echoing from some unknown source.  
A large frost giant snickers contemptuously at your arrival.
A vigilant frost giant guard watches you closely.
A large frost giant snickers contemptuously at your arrival.
A vigilant frost giant guard watches you closely.
A huge hairy woman stalks about the room in a rage!
An ogre servant cowers away from you and whimpers in misery as you approach.
An ogre servant cowers away from you and whimpers in misery as you approach.
A vigilant frost giant guard begins attacking you!
A vigilant frost giant guard is in perfect health.