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Room: A Grass Covered Field

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This room is within Irda Isle.

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Center map on A Grass Covered Field

 A Grass Covered Field                                  -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

You stand in the middle of a large field.  All about you grasses of
various types grow unchecked providing homes for various smaller creatures. 
Some wildflowers mixed in with the grass give a pleasant smell to the entire
area.  A soft mountain breeze sweeps down and blows past you towards the
ocean.  All about you various little creatures chatter to each other and go
about their feeding.  To your north you see clearly the castle resting
against the mountains.  A wide trench is built in front of the castle for
protection, the only way that you can see to get in there is by going over
the drawbridge.