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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Beginning of the Moat

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This room is within Irda Isle.

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Center map on The Beginning of the Moat

 The Beginning of the Moat                              -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

You finally have found the correct path into the castle moat!  Water
swirls around you as it rushes into the long stretch of canyon bottom.  You
were about to think that you should rush ahead again...  But you get a
twinge of instinct.  You stop and look around, taking everything in, seeing
if you notice anything.  What you find is that you are not alone.  All along
the moat numerous creatures reside trying to hide themselves from your
sight.  Several of them eye you hungrily and await you to approach.  You
sigh regretfully, say a brief prayer to the Powers and loosen your weapon's
sheath and prepare to continue on.
A white marble statue of Ithrilis is here, arms raised in warning.