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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Rocky Cavern

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This room is within Maldra Keep.

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Center map on A Rocky Cavern

 A Rocky Cavern                                         -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

As your eyes adjust to the lack of light in the cavern entrance, you
notice a group of misshapen stones close by.  Without warning, they take
almost humanoid shape by sprouting arms and legs, but merely move away from
living rock creatures inhabits this section of the cavern, and are a
peaceful race.  To the east lies the other half of the cavern, and to the
north the earth becomes softer and flows like mud in some areas.  
  You can see the faint red outline of something moving around the area.
  You can see the faint red outline of something moving around the area.
  You can see the faint red outline of something moving around the area.
A medium sized rock formation rests here, something about it looks odd.
A large, old rock that looks strange is sitting here.