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Cwn Annwn

Room: Long Room

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This room is within Maldra Keep.

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 Long Room                                              -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

The shrieking and wailing of undead spirits strikes fear in your heart as
several bannshees settle upon you and circle your position.  These undead
are the bitter spirits of long dead elf folk and hold a grudge against the
living.  There are two escape routes, one to the north and one south.  
A banshee floats around the room shrieking and wailing loudly.
A banshee floats around the room shrieking and wailing loudly.
A banshee floats around the room shrieking and wailing loudly.
A banshee floats around the room shrieking and wailing loudly.

A banshee floats around the room shrieking and wailing loudly.