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Cwn Annwn

Room: Northwest Bend on Martyr's Walk

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This room is within New Kolvir.

Center map on Northwest Bend on Martyr's Walk

 Northwest Bend on Martyr's Walk                        -      -     NE 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S     SE

The bustle here thins out somewhat.  You notice more guards wandering
around in this area than before.  This way is clearer, more open than from
where you just came.  Looking to the west, you see a watch tower, which
helps to explain why there isn't much of a crowd here.  They are trying not
to block the way of the tower for the guards, allowing them to leave and
enter the tower at a moment's notice.  
A scantily clad woman makes suggestive motions at passerbys.