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Cwn Annwn

Room: Entrance to the Church Of Acceptance

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This room is within New Kolvir.

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 Entrance to the Church Of Acceptance                   -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      #      -

You stand before a maginificent ivory church made of glossy steel frames
and set like a Gothic church, with sharp pointed edges and ghastly
sculptures of twisted figurines.  The patrons come here often to seek
penance for their wrong doings because it is believed that religion purifies
any murderous act that they may have committed.  Along the cobblestone path
that leads up to the main doors are some shrubs and up above the church you
can hear the bells chiming the time.  Engraved on the doors are awkward
imitations of a man and woman clasping each other in a fierce embrace, it
looks more like an embrace of death as you gaze at the dagger in the woman's