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Cwn Annwn

Room: Ornate Room

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This room is within Catacombs of Shame.

Center map on Ornate Room

 Ornate Room                                            NW     N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

A soft glow emanates from the scores of brightly-lit candles scattered
all over the floor, and you can make out a silver pentagram spanning the
length and width of the room on the ground.  Black candles and golden dust
line the borders of the pentagram, and puffs of dirty gray smoke seem to
swirl in a gentle cyclone around the corners of the room touching down on
the center of the floor.  You surmise this is a summoning room or a local
hang out for Necromancers; perhaps both as the acrid stench of burnt flesh
and cloth permeates the atmosphere and splatters of blood are everywhere. 
The chill of death and decay keeps this room once used for prayer and study
in a constant state of disrepair as cracks in the stone from weaponry used
in various rituals can plainly be seen all over the floor.