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Cwn Annwn

Room: Callixtus Hall Cloister

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This room is within Palace of Diocletian.

Center map on Callixtus Hall Cloister

 Callixtus Hall Cloister                                -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Cloister, from the word claustrum, an enclosed place, accurately
describes this room.  It is the place where the elderly and tired residents
walk in contemplation, reading their devotions, praying and meditating in an
atmosphere of calm serenity, each withdrawn into their private world where
they can commune with nature.  From the cloister walk one looks into the
garden and settees to the north and south through rows of paired columns,
alternating with piers.  At the four corners are heavy piers that aid in
supporting the massive vaults that roof the corridor.  
A Diocletian commoner goes about his daily chores here.