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Cwn Annwn

Room: Resting Settee of the Callixtus Hall

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This room is within Palace of Diocletian.

Center map on Resting Settee of the Callixtus Hall

 Resting Settee of the Callixtus Hall                   -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Next to the copper benches are two large trees, both are thick and green.
Many small furry creatures scurry up and down the base of the tree looking
for the small nuts available on the ground.  A long, slender body rodent
stops and wiggles his nose as he notices you.  The furry creature darts onto
the settee and perches himself, he would be very upset if you were to sit on
'his' bench.  
A Diocletian commoner goes about his daily chores here.
A Diocletian commoner goes about his daily chores here.
A Diocletian commoner goes about his daily chores here.
A child runs about playing tag.
A Diocletian commoner goes about his daily chores here.
A Diocletian commoner goes about his daily chores here.
A Diocletian commoner goes about his daily chores here.