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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Corner in the Common Room

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This room is within Inn of the Twin Moons.

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Center map on A Corner in the Common Room

 A Corner in the Common Room                            -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

This corner of the inn isn't quite as busy as the rest of the common
room.  It allows for a quiet conversation without the fear of being
overheard by anyone listening behind your back.  There is a simple yet well
crafted wooden table here, with three wooden benches on each side except for
the side where the table butts up against the wall of the inn.  A little to
the north is a wooden stairway leading up to the second level of the Inn of
the Twin Moons.  
     A small wine glass filled with chilled spiced wine sits on the table.
     There is a small wooden table surrounded by three benches in the corner.
A minotaur traveler is here reading about wonderful adventures.
A minotaur traveler is here reading about wonderful adventures.