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Room: Parcel Retrieval and Delivery

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This room is within Palace of Diocletian.

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 Parcel Retrieval and Delivery                          -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

The fastest means of communication is accomplished here.  Through the use
of pigeons and various traveling methods, mail is delivered to anyone,
anywhere.  A jaded postman sits behind a small conveyor belt, sorting
envelopes and packages.  The sound of the belt whirls and the mail on top
slowly travels into a back room, now ready to be sent.  
     A faded yellow page of parchment has been dropped here.
A slightly frazzled gray-haired man stands before you, rummaging through piles of old letters.
A slightly frazzled gray-haired man stands before you, rummaging through piles of old letters.