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Cwn Annwn

Room: Tomb of the Revenant

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This room is within Rune Graveyard.

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Level: 0

Center map on Tomb of the Revenant

 Tomb of the Revenant                                   -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

The walls are covered in large slabs of marble that are fitted together
seamlessly.  The walls have columns that are chisled up just enough to give
a hint of their appearance.  On the ground surrounding the corners of the
tomb are fist size rocks.  One of the rocks in the back of the room seems to
lift off the ground and float into the air before shooting directly at you,
narrowly missing your face.  
A ghast is here feasting on rotting corpses.
A ghast is here feasting on rotting corpses.
A ghast is here feasting on rotting corpses.
A restless poltergeist is here throwing objects around the room.
A restless poltergeist is here throwing objects around the room.
A revenant's eyes blaze with hatred as it looks at you.
A restless poltergeist is here throwing objects around the room.