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Cwn Annwn

Room: On the Ground Floor

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This room is within Eanoss Azelmar.

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Center map on On the Ground Floor

 On the Ground Floor                                    -      N     NE 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      #      -

Following classical architectural methods, it would stand to reason that
this would be the exact point at which Eanoss Azelmar's famous oak-hewn
doors, two rods in height, stand magnificently and stably.  Perhaps its
instantly-recognizable brass revolving doors, admitting and bidding farewell
guests with equal, efficient efficacy.  However, this hotel isn't quite... 
Right.  There is no door here.  There is a solid facade of solid
almost-glass to the south, an uninterrupted sheet, following all the way
west, and east.  A terrarium lies to the north, but it's somewhat thickety,
and looks harder to jump through than just going west or east, following the
pathway around it.