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Cwn Annwn

Room: On the Ground Floor

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This room is within Eanoss Azelmar.

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Center map on On the Ground Floor

 On the Ground Floor                                    -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        SW     S      -

The ground floor of Eanoss Azelmar is a very lush, impressive place, a
portent for things to come.  Off to the north, through massive,
crystal-clear windows, the beasts of the Ethereal plane stalk, while off to
the south, in the lush, artificial arboretum the hotel plays host to, exotic
creatures from the physical plane frolic on their native flora and fauna. 
Over to the west, along the northern wall, is the head of the welcome staff,
and beyond that, the front desk.