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Room: Eida's Pawn Shop

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This room is within Lowangen.

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Level: 0

Center map on Eida's Pawn Shop

 Eida's Pawn Shop                                       -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

The shop is badly in need of repair and a good cleaning.  Most of the
stone pillars that are used to support the structure are starting to show
cracks and the wooden beams on the ceilings look ready to collapse any
moment.  People usually visit the shop during hard times when they are
severely in need of cash.  Maybe the shopkeeper can assist you in valuing
your equipment but you probably will not get a good price for them.  
Eida is here buying and selling used goods.
Eida is here buying and selling used goods.


A list of player-usable shops which supply items