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Cwn Annwn

Room: Kvirasim Lane

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This room is within Lowangen.

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Center map on Kvirasim Lane

 Kvirasim Lane                                          -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

The road extends on in a vertical line, joining up with Peraine a little
distance to the north.  Trees line the sides of the road, their branches
stretching upwards and camouflaging the brown rooftops of the houses.  You
notice the buildings around this area are relatively new and quite large. 
This must be the starting of the wealthier district in Lowangen.  
A maintenance man struggles hard to keep the city clean.
A Lowangen city guard is keeping law and order on the streets.
A burly city guard exclaims, 'Good day to thee Numi!'