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Room: Gashok Road

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This room is within Lowangen.

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Center map on Gashok Road

 Gashok Road                                            -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      #      -

The brick road continues both east and west from this point.  South will
take you to Rahja's House.  The house looks quite luxuriously decorated
externally with a balcony overlooking onto the street.  Sometimes rowdy
mercenaries who have had far too much to drink stumble by, most of them
looking for a fight and city guards can be seen constantly patrolling this
area to stop them.  
A homeless man is asking for some money or food here.
A begging vagrant begs you for a bit of gold. You graciously let him peep at your fortune.