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Room: Kvirasim Lane

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This room is within Lowangen.

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Center map on Kvirasim Lane

 Kvirasim Lane                                          -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     # <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

The stone paved road of Kvirasim extends to the north and south as it
links up Boron with Gashok.  West of here, you can hear loud music.  People
take great precautions to go unnoticed when they enter the establishment.  A
handcrafted plaque of silver swings next to the side of the entrance and you
can make out the words 'The Velvet Mist Brothel'.  The boisterous sounds of
merry-making fills your ears and a scent of musk and lavender floats through
the windows onto the streets.  
A Lowangen townsman wanders about.
A Lowangen townsman exclaims, 'Good day to thee Numi!'