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Room: Junction of Tjolmar Lane and Langlor Lane

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This room is within Lowangen.

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Center map on Junction of Tjolmar Lane and Langlor Lane

 Junction of Tjolmar Lane and Langlor Lane              -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Beautifully crafted streets made of white marble run through the heart of
the market district of town, representative of the flourishing trade and
enormous wealth that lies ahead along this road.  The marble is very smooth
and does not appear to be heavily worn, despite the high volume of patrons
that frequent the myriad shops along this walkway.  A tall obsidian street
lamp rises up at this intersection, marking the crossing with the rocky
stone pathway, Tjolmar Lane, for weary travelers.  
A woman of Lowangen is wandering about town.
A woman exclaims, 'Good day to thee Zazou!'