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Room: Junction of Finkerstam Road and Peraine Boulevard

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This room is within Lowangen.

Center map on Junction of Finkerstam Road and Peraine Boulevard

 Junction of Finkerstam Road and Peraine Boulevard      -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

The westernmost road in Lowangen, Finkerstam Road runs north-south along
the stone revetted walls which form a perimeter around the city.  The large
cobblestones that have been laid down along this thoroughfare have been worn
down slightly from increased use, due in part to the large amount of foot
traffic that now passes through this part of town.  A tall obsidian street
lamp rises up at this intersection, marking the crossing for weary
travelers.  To the east, some of the aristocracy of Lowangen take up
residence on the tree-lined streets of Peraine Boulevard.