Room: Southern Edge of the Boardwalk
This room is within The Village of Mulakanathos.
Center map on Southern Edge of the Boardwalk
Southern Edge of the Boardwalk NW - NE (-------------------------------------------------) # <---(M)---> - - S - The desert sands have overtaken the farthest boundary of the boardwalk, a constant reminder that life here is an ongoing battle against nature. A small trail leads south across the sand to the docks, though the boardwalk continues to the northeast and west. The local resource center is to the west, placed on the outskirts because of the awful smell. The town unfolds around a large pit of oil that lies directly north, though a sturdy guardrail prevents any accidental falls into it. The sound of the coast is everywhere as the ocean pounds against the shore, creating a sense of serenity that engulfs this desert town.