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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Hall of History

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This room is within The Village of Mulakanathos.

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 The Hall of History                                    -      -      - 
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An immense library-like building, the silence of this hall is a prelude
to the solemn history it contains.  The walls drip with the paint of
recently restored pictographs which detail the entire past of Mulakan
civilization.  From the very general look of things, there was a great
unification of people as a plague wiped out most of the tribes of the
desert.  As the disease subsided, the remaining desert people either became
disassociatively paranoid, or joined one of the three tribes that eventually
settled here.  The thick sandy floor is uneven with footprints, and the only
exit is to the east.  
Gorgeously slender, Phenyo gladly maintains the history of the tribe.
Gorgeously slender, Phenyo gladly maintains the history of the tribe.