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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Secluded Alcove

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This room is within Rune Estates.

Center map on A Secluded Alcove

 A Secluded Alcove                                      -      N      - 
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Nestled deep into the dense hedges, a small secluded alcove has been
formed to house a stately marble statue.  Because of the trees and topiary
surrounding this alcove, a dense, luscious green grass covers the ground. 
There is a statue of Sir Tristan here surrounded by a marble bench. 
Butterflies and hummingbirds flutter about.  You can often hear the children
playing if you sit quietly.  Tucked away quietly from the street, the area
seems to permeate a strange like serenity.  
     A statue of Sir Tristan is displayed here.