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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Lobby

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This room is within Hotel Hello.

Center map on The Lobby

 The Lobby                                              -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

As soon as you step into the hotel lobby, your senses are bombarded. 
You can smell a dank, musty odor and a faint coppery scent, reminiscent of
dried blood.  Music comes in from the east, the sounds of an orchestra
playing a soft melodic tune.  To the north, a massive grandfather clock
chimes every quarter hour.  The lobby is decorated elegantly, brass and
marble stand out among them.  A huge chandelier with cascading crystals
provides more than sufficient light around the lobby.  Plush red carpet
provides a path of luxury to and from every hallway you can see.  To the
east the hallway stretches down a long corridor that even the chandelier
light cannot follow.  A large balcony looms ahead of you taking you to the
second floor.