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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Azure Room

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This room is within Hotel Hello.

Center map on The Azure Room

 The Azure Room                                         -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
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Baffled you look around this room.  Just like all the other bedrooms
here, it is neat and clean; supernaturaly so.  It seems unfeasible that any
of these guest rooms have ever been used just by their spotless, surreal
appearances.  Not a pillow out of place not a comforter unfolded, not a
cobweb in sight.  This room is decorated in beautiful, muted blues, subtle
in their tones but still elegant and attractive.  Again, a large four poster
bed is the centerpiece of the room.  
     An ornately-carved four-post bed stands here.