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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Ruby Room

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 The Ruby Room                                          -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
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What is with red in this hotel?  The proprietress is obviously quite
stricken by the menacing hue, to have based her entire estate upon this dark
crimson.  The deep blood red, which is particularly prevalent in this area,
evokes a frightening sensation, giving you goosebumps.  This room is no
exception, complete with ruby red walls and swirling marble floors.  A bed
carved out of an entire Sequoia tree occupies most of the western wall of
the room, alone but for a small desk tucked into the northeastern corner.  
     An ornately-carved four-post bed stands here.
     A pillow, made and used ages ago, is lying flatly on the bed.