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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Eternal Glade

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This room is within The Towne of Xaventry.

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Center map on The Eternal Glade

 The Eternal Glade                                      NW     -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

An enchanting glade lies hidden deep within the forest confines.  The
glade is easily recognized by any elf as the fabled Eternal Glade.  This is
where, it is told, that the first elves emerged from the forest.  The
landscape seems frozen as if in anticipation of some wonderous event and no
sounds of bird or wind, or smells or movement of any kind can be detected. 
It is a place of absolute peace and quiet.  The good and malign alike, find
it hard to do anything more than bask in its purity.  
     In the center of the clearing sets an elven fertility altar.


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