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Cwn Annwn

Room: Second Floor Landing

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This room is within The Saucy Wench Tavern.

Center map on Second Floor Landing

 Second Floor Landing                                   -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

The flight of stairs ends here at the top floor of the tavern, a landing
occupied by a large display showcase on the the southern wall and tables
crowded with vases of withering flowers.  Dangling from the ceiling and
rising from assorted pots on the floor are wild, tropical ferns added to
provide some kind of exotic atmosphere, enhanced by other foreign fauna.  To
the west is a hallway and the first floor is directly down the stairs.  
A chamber maid grumbles as she cleans up after the guests.
A chamber maid grumbles as she cleans up after the guests.
A chamber maid grumbles as she cleans up after the guests.