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Cwn Annwn

Room: Huntsman Walkway

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This room is within The Saucy Wench Tavern.

Center map on Huntsman Walkway

 Huntsman Walkway                                       -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     # <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      #      -

This walkway is wide and comfortable, enough for two burly minotaurs to
stride through with relative ease.  There is a spartan lack of furniture or
decorations along the hall, for the proprietor only uses what is absolutely
necessary - and putting valuable and fragile artistic creations in a tavern
of rowdy hunters and travellers certainly does no wonders for its condition.
To the north is a heavy-looking wooden door and a there is a small lodge-
room to the south.  Not too far off to the east, past the main second-floor
lounge, a staircase can be seen descending to the main floor of the tavern.