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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Dark Passage

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This room is within The Saucy Wench Tavern.

Center map on A Dark Passage

 A Dark Passage                                         -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

To think the fabled liquor supplies of the Saucy Wench were hidden in a
tunnel behind the cupboards is mind-boggling in both simplicity and
ingenuity.  The exact dimensions of the secretly-dug storage chambers are
known only to those who built it in the first place and thus it is difficult
to gauge the width and depth of the tunnel to the west, especially in the
oppressive gloom.  Even stranger than the tunnel itself is how remarkably
clean it is kept, as spotless as the kitchen above.  To the west there are
further chambers, and a small ladder up to a hatch set in the roof is relief
and escape from the darkness.  
A malformed rat bares its fangs at you.
A mutated naked mole rat begins attacking you!
A mutated naked mole rat is in perfect health.