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Cwn Annwn

Room: In the Midst of the Ogre Village

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This room is within Ogre Village.

Center map on In the Midst of the Ogre Village

 In the Midst of the Ogre Village                       NW     N     NE 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S     SE

The ground here is unusually sticky in a few small patches, most of them
stretching from the enormous doorway to the southeast.  Most ogres have a
sweet tooth but the ogre who lives in that hut must surely have an
unquenchable thirst for treats.  Another hut lies to the southeast but only
a wall faces this direction.  
A younger looking ogre grins at you with a devilish gleam.
An enormously large nosed ogre frowns with discontent.