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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Center of the Ogre Village

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This room is within Ogre Village.

Center map on The Center of the Ogre Village

 The Center of the Ogre Village                         NW     N     NE 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        SW     -     SE

The center of the village is a popular place where ogres from the village
would come to play Rabbit Toss and this spot looks like it used to be one of
those spots.  A large fallen down tree blocks the path to the south where an
angry ogre slammed in to it, probably after losing a game.  The ground is
lined with a few bits of branches but the ground still feels soft from wear
of traffic.  
A blotchy looking ogre stands here, obsessively trying to smell bad.
A large female ogre grins at you then wiggles her behind.