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Cwn Annwn

Room: Among Thinning Trees

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This room is within Ogre Village.

Center map on Among Thinning Trees

 Among Thinning Trees                                   NW     N     NE 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        SW     S     SE

A few sparse saplings have been spared by the ogres' rampage.  Their
bases are covered in inches of pine needles from felled trees, forming a
kind of cyclical compost heap, the dead feeding the young.  Although ogres
love destruction and tearing things apart, they appreciate the value of
life.  Although short-sighted and dumb, they are not self-destructive
towards their race.  They spare young trees with the knowledge that
eventually they will grow and spread their own seeds, and then those seeds
can be spared as these saplings are destroyed.