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Cwn Annwn

Room: Alimenta's Tavern

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This room is within Rahdiyr.

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 Alimenta's Tavern                                      -      -      - 
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This quaint tavern stocks the finest Rahdiyr has to offer.  A wooden bar
stretches the length of the room.  Tapestries adorn the walls, depicting
battles with the insidious fey.  A few small tables dot the area, but the
floor is mostly open for dancing by the patrons.  The walls vibrate in tune
with the blaring music.  
     A small wooden table holds glasses of drink.
A faerie bar patron parties here.
A faerie bar patron parties here.
A faerie bar patron parties here.
A faerie bar patron parties here.
Alimenta, the bar owner, waits to take your drink order.